MamiOlufunkeM - Love Ritual and Location Selection in Petropolis

MamiOlufunkeM - Love Ritual and Location Selection

MamiOlufunkeM - Love Ritual, Location Selection, I Ching in Petropolis. As a Priestess and Artist, I have lived these past 20 years as a Shrine Keeper for Orisha, Select Heads of First Rank; Repositories of Sacred Knowledge and Power. Using the Oracle, I query the Spirit World to answer questions from you about " What you most need to know now, Love, Career, Relationships, Finances, Travel-Relocate, and Spiritual Development". I've done readings for 30 years.
16 years of experience in Petropolis. I like working to restore balance to your affairs. I use the 16 Cowrie Oracle and the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot. I like encouraging people to seek self improvement thru spiritual development and character building. I'm not going to say.

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